Please join us for our Fall 2019 AKEN meeting!
Who: Members & More! Open to All
What: October AKEN General Meeting
When: Thursday, October 17th, 12:00-1:00pm
Where: BP Energy Center, 900 East Benson Blvd, Anchorage
Why: AKEN's regular get-togethers (February, October, December)
How By Zoom:
How By Phone: 1-877-369-0926 & Meeting ID: 277 204 632
Light snacks provided with RSVP. Board members will be at BP Energy Center by 11:30 if you'd like to visit as we set up.
We will be discussing the future of AKEN, including the upcoming elections for a new Vice-President.
Cheers & Thanks,
AKEN Board
Contact President:
Contact Vice-President: