Submission Types

Evaluation in Alaska: This type of presentation is designed to allow evaluators to discuss process and experiences for 10 to 15 minutes in an informal presentation followed by a group discussion. Organizers will combine these submissions into panels or a group may propose a panel of presentations.

Paper: Paper presentations may be submitted either individually or as a pre-defined group of two or more papers on a common topic, sent together. Papers submitted individually will be grouped with others on a common theme and allocated 15 minutes each as part of a longer session. Multi-paper session submissions will be reviewed as a set and accepted or rejected together.

Poster: This formal graphic presentation of your topic, displayed on poster board, offers an excellent opportunity for gathering detailed feedback on your work and reporting on evaluation results. Posters will be presented during Wednesday's evening reception/poster exhibition and will be on display throughout the conference.

Birds of a Feather GatheringThese are idea exchanges or networking tables are approximately 60 minutes. They are relatively small and informal discussion-based gatherings, aimed at building networks and exploring ideas. This is the only session type for which there is NO formal presentation, instead the facilitators ensure that there is time for introductions among those in attendance and come with questions or ideas to spark discussion around a particular topic area.

IGNITE Presentations: Ignite presentations use 20 PowerPoint slides that automatically advance every 15 seconds for a total presentation time of just 5 minutes. Ignite slides tend to incorporate excellence in slide design in support of a very clearly articulated message. Presenters need to practice in order to get their timing down and their quality up. Ignite presentations are challenging, exciting, and dare we say it – they can be quite fun to create, to give, and to attend.

Submission Process

For each submission, send the following information:

·         Title
·         Presenter Information (Name, Location, Affiliation)
·         Presentation type (Paper / Poster / Birds of a Feather / IGNITE)
·         Abstract (up to 300 words)

Paper,  poster, and IGNITE abstracts should include the focus of the submission, relevance to Alaska evaluators, and key findings.  Multi-paper session submissions should include 3 to 5 papers with an abstract for each paper and a 150 word statement of the unifying theme, and should include name, location and affiliation of all presenters and identify the organizer. Birds of a Feather abstracts should indicate the topic to be explored, key questions to guide the facilitation, and why the topic is of likely interest.

Each person is invited to submit up to two presentations (paper/IGNITE/Birds of a Feather) and two posters as the first/presenting author. You may also be listed as an additional/non-presenting author on other submissions.

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